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    REA Elektronik GmbH

    Teichwiesenstr. 1


    +49 6154 638-0

    Industrial coding and marking using laser systems has a crucial advantage: it is free of consumables and virtually maintenance-free, i. e. subsequent costs are low. Laser systems lend themselves to all types of marking on organic materials and plastics, glass, anodized aluminum, metals and color removal on any surfaces. One of the main reasons for using laser systems is protection against counterfeiting, and traceability of products due to the permanence of the marking. Advantages of REA JET Laser Systems: - simplest mechanical integration through compact design and variable connection of print head - highest printing speeds through digital mirror activation - integrated pilot laser for simple setup of the system - user protection by 2-chanel safety query - full True Type Font and Unicode support incl. UTF-8 - intuitive graphical user interface - network functionality and interface protocols via Ethernet - integrated web server and remote maintenance software - print data transfer using USB scan technology REA JET CO2-Laser Applications: - marking of glass, wood, rubber, engraving and color change marking of plastics (automotive, medicine, consumer goods), labels, foils and blister packages - coding of cardboard boxes and outer packaging (e. g. in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food sectors) - laser color change marking - color mirror engraving REA JET Fiber Laser Applications: - engraving and color change marking (annealing) of metals - high-contrast marking of untreated plastics and plastics treated with laser additives - layer removal: e. g. day and night design - marking using laser transfer foils - marking on laminate foils - colour change marking of plastic components by means of laser-sensitive additives Industrial coding and marking using laser systems has a crucial advantage: it is free of consumables and virtually maintenance-free, i. e. subsequent costs are low. Laser systems lend themselves to all types of marking on organic materials and plastics, glass, anodized aluminum, metals and color removal on any surfaces. One of the main reasons for using laser systems is protection against counterfeiting, and traceability of products due to the permanence of the marking.

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